Sunday, November 25, 2012

samsung tv damage

By Unknown | At 7:50 AM | Label : | 1 Comments
Samsung TV Model: CZ-21D83NS
Double and raster image shift
Check R414 (15K)
Samsung TV Model: CB7230WT
Vibrating Power supply and standby lights dim
Replace the filter power capacitors (220uF 400 V), 4 also replace the primary capacitor
Samsung TV Model: CB7230WT
Vertical Lines
Damage caused by a low impedance yoke. Replace with Ic TDA3654Q karna been designed to handle yoke 12 ohms and above.
Samsung TV Model: 20A5
No picture
Check IC301 (TDA8350Q) and 2 non-polar capacitor (10uF and 100uF, 63v) and 10ohms, 5w ceramic resistor at pin 3/5 of chips on top
Samsung TV Model: CT566 (Chassis K51A)
No power Standby Off
Voltage does not change on pin 18 IC901 (SZM-368ET2)
Samsung TV Model: CB5012Z (Chassis P58SC)
There is no color, just stuck on the SECAM
Check R514 (100K) usually changes its value
Samsung TV Model: CS3339Z
No picture and No sound
Damaged IC TDA6107q
Samsung TV Model: CX5012
Low volume, even at the maximum setting
Replace IC601 (TC4066BP) close to IF
Samsung TV Model: CB5035Z
Stuck in OSD mode,
Replace EPROM, check the Ground of the green wire from tuner good

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


By Unknown | At 7:52 AM | Label : | 1 Comments
Devices: TV
Brand: Sony
Model: Sony - STR Goldstar
Symptoms: More than 24 hours of STR broken
Cause: faulty setengat Optocoupler
Solution: Replace the optocoupler

Devices: TV
Brand: Sony
Model: Sony KVG14V1
Symptoms: Raster somewhat above the middle line
Cause: Diodes (-15V) is broken
Solution: Replace the diode

Devices: TV
Brand: Sony
Model: kv-2965
Symptoms: No picture, sound flyback.
Cause: Res. R704 470K G1 broken parts.
Solution: replace R704 470K 1/2W.

Devices: TV
Brand: Sony
Model: kv-2565
Symptoms: horizontal transistor is always broken in a matter of seconds.
Cause: x-tal oscillator 500KHz Horz damaged.
Solution: replace the xtal oscillator directly B500F2 OK.
Note: replace the oscillator according to type (yellow), never tried blue can not be used.

Devices: TV
Brand: Sony
Model: Sony KP-E53MN11
Symptom: Power exists, will not start
Cause: 12V regulator IC die
Solution: Replace the 12V regulator IC

Devices: TV
Brand: Sony
Model: KV-G14B1
Cause: R SHORT
Solution: REPLACE RESISTOR R857 = 82K
Note: This TV program CXP85116B IC and IC TDA8366 chroma, STR s6707 and vertical IC LA7830.

Devices: TV
Brand: Sony
Model: long
Symptoms: blink flame tube
Cause: potensio broken ceramic hstat
Solution: potensio who is replaced on the lights on the board or someone tespen

Devices: TV
Brand: Sony
Model: 20 WEGA
Symptoms: no raster
Cause: r0, 01.sket crt
Solution: check TEG heater, sketch crt
Note: If there is no change TEG r crt socket and check if the problem replace aj bro

Devices: TV
Brand: Sony
Model: KV20XX
Cause: SUPLY 5.5 V LESS
Solution: CHANGE R627 = 4.7 OHM
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Issue 27
Devices: TV
Brand: Sharp
Model: wonder
Symptoms: There rgb color line, n back stanby
Cause: r33ohm that the voltage fuse to ignite Vertical Ic
Solution: replace r33ohm, and Ic Vertical
Note: vertical ic replacement, if it r 33terasa hot sangt

Devices: TV
Brand: Sharp
Models: 20U200
Symptoms: Voice gresek-gresek, nice pictures, sound system locked on D / K and can not be replaced
Cause: change and adjust, eprom 24C08
Solution: replace and adjust, eprom 24C08

Devices: TV
Brand: Sharp
Model: 51R200
Symptoms: The star of life and death, led to red
Cause: R502 check for voltage Vertical Gati if necessary
Solution: check for voltage Vertical R502 Gati if necessary

Devices: TV
Brand: Sharp
Model: 14W25
Symptoms: tv live briefly kept standby.
Cause: ProTec of ABL
Solution: turns R604, 39K putus.ganti tv back to normal.

Devices: TV
Brand: Sharp
Model: 20x20
Symptoms: total dead, when the power button is pressed Him indicator lights red, then green, then went back to red
Cause: solder off.
Solution: re-solder, IC EEPROM should be reset IC, the way he was when the TV is off, Jumper J137 to J138. After that turn on the TV, while for IC EEPROM Let wiriting return to normal TV is on, then turn off the TV, then remove the jumper earlier.

Devices: TV
Brand: Sharp
Model: Q vision
Symptoms: hold a red light green protectionism
Cause: 180k resistor open
Solution: replace the 180k resistor near abl pathways

Devices: TV
Brand: Sharp
Model: Q vision
Symptoms: dark picture sound normal
Cause: 33k resistor open
Solution: replace the 33k resistor on track afc

Devices: TV
Brand: Sharp
Model: sharp universe
Symptoms: Normal picture briefly switching off life
Cause: capacitors 104 open
Solution: replace capacitor ic 104 near croma

Devices: TV
Brand: Sharp
Model: wonder
Symptoms: regulator 6654 kerja.strf not okay
Cause: r 680k/560k putuss
Solution: replace r TSB
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Issue 26
Devices: TV
Brand: Sanyo
Model: model forget
Symptoms: tv when turned glowing red indicator blink blink wrote ter aka protectionism
Cause: apparently after dilhat ditelusurri kissed and touched only on the location of the damage to flyback terprotek
Solution: replace the flyback solosinya yes definitely jos

Devices: TV
Brand: Sanyo
Model: CG 21 XS 2
Symptoms: TV stand is locked in position by.kalau power in on.TV willing to live and die lagi.protec
Cause: eeprom if its OK, then the vertical IC OK.B + 5 volt OK.
Solution: J830 jemper off, or change it directly FBT.
Note: tgl.27 september 2010

Devices: TV
Brand: Sanyo
Model: Dinamic
Symptoms: Dead total
Cause: Power Transistor suply shot
Solution: Replace the transistor
Note: Change the type of bu. . .

Devices: TV
Brand: Sanyo
Model: N0 chassis AC6A1
Symptom: No sound volume max sdh, Nice pictures
Cause: IC 3701 LV1116 broken
Solution: Before replacing the ic try this alternative way, off his first ic, wash the feet of his lower leg ic wear cuter / fine sandpaper, then reinstall nya.kl ic voice ic still not out Change lv1116N,
Note: kl spertpat interchangeable hard in his search to SC, Bs jg look at his blog mas alextro service,

Devices: TV
Brand: Sanyo
Model: CG14SP1N
Symptoms: Dead total
Cause: TR Horz koslet (B & E)
Solution: replace TR Horz

Devices: TV
Brand: Sanyo
Model: FLAT SLIM CG21XS2 21
Symptoms: VOTE nonexistent

Devices: TV
Brand: Sanyo
Model: CG21XS2
Symptoms: always return to standby will continue when lit
Cause: flyback his tiny little problem .. internal capacitor capacity changes FBT
Solution: with a way to cut (break) .. J830 jumper that led pin 23 of IC LA76938 (pin is called: INT1/P.0) one pin to detect / control the horizontal section.

Devices: TV
Brand: Sanyo
Model: box silver
Symptoms: Protec dead, no sound briefly hold stenbay
Cause: flyback transformer leakage
Solution: replace the flyback transformer
Note: if they need to replace the flyback siz setting v and h siz

Devices: TV
Brand: Sanyo
Model: dynamic LA76818A
Symptoms: NGK NO SOUND MAX VOLUME already
Cause: CORRUPT DATA settings
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Issue 25
Devices: TV
Brand: Samsung
Model: CS-14H4MJO-MONO
Symptoms: Matot
Solution: The safest use of switching power supply module

Devices: TV
Brand: Samsung
Model: bio vision
Symptom: No sound only raster images white only
Cause: teggangan abl no
Solution: replace r abl value of around 120k + b keabl

Devices: TV
Brand: Samsung
Model: CB21MLH
Symptoms: The image moves down up
Cause: IC Memory
Solution: Replace the Memory IC 24c16

Devices: TV
Brand: Samsung
Model: 14 flat CTV
Symptoms: open 10 cm vertical striped folding and
Cause: broken vertical yoke parts
Solution: replace the yoke tv ok again

Devices: TV
Brand: Samsung
Model: CS-15K10ML
Symptoms: Matot, suply SOUND POWER ringing
Note: TR D2499/YOKE H OM VER 5.4 15 OHM

Devices: TV
Brand: Samsung
Model: CS-29M21MQUXXSE
Symptoms: Blanking
Cause: Micon on ngepong,
Solution: Solder again.!

Devices: TV
Brand: Samsung
Model: flat 17inci
Symptoms: horizontal off continues
Cause: yoke konslet
Solution: email lifting ll wipe lg dg dg thiner glue alteco 1/1
Note: buy overpriced yoke again

Devices: VCD
Brand: Samsung
Model: Z10Q
Symptom: No picture
Cause: Video output from puts zic3
Solution: Join / jumper with pins 13 pins 4 zic3
Note: Can jga len dpts and pindahkn pin 13 directly to pin 4 on zic3 (Winbond W99520P)

Devices: TV
Brand: Samsung
Model: 21 flat
Symptoms: The first normal picture, about two minutes blanking green,
Cause: RGB bag there is an abnormal voltage
Solution: tr bersihin RGB in, if there is to be replaced,,,,
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Issue 24
Devices: TV
Brand: Polytron
Model: minimax
Symptoms: protect
Cause: protect vertical
Solution: replace c402

Devices: TV
Brand: Polytron
Model: minimax 21
Symptoms: Vertical menyempit.lebarnya sktr only be 10cm.
Cause: all of vertical normal stress components, resistors, ICs, capacitors all ok.
Solution: I replace the 1N4002 diodes deket vertical IC. (Forgot his no series D:?) Turns the diode check is not even in my locker right bocor.begitu nyuzz mak ...
Note: apparently visik observation, and multi meter we can still lying by komponen.sehingga should be a record for us the technicians to be more observant and careful. and the principle of change first

Devices: TV
Brand: Polytron
Model: DM-1485
Symptoms: Plain White Drawing Without OSD
Cause: The raster noise is not no snow
Solution: replace the transistor T311 = BC547

Devices: TV
Brand: Polytron
Model: ga
Symptoms: ganbar only vertical
Cause: terjdi sorting the capacitor
Solution: replace capacitor 364j/400v

Devices: TV
Brand: Polytron
Model: minimax
Symptoms: no broadcast
Cause: replace the tuner first checks
Solution: if replaced would also replace the tuner ngak HBT IC 00-02

Devices: TV
Brand: Polytron
Model: Polytron 123
Symptoms: The standby light on,,, kadang2 want to start
Cause: faulty capacitor
Solution: replace capacitor c507 with 10mf/100v

Devices: TV
Brand: Polytron
Model: minimax
Symptoms: start 5 seconds back stanbay
Cause: faulty capacitor 1 mf/50v
Solution: replace the vertical ic c402 in

Devices: TV
Brand: Polytron
Model: old model
Symptoms: totally dead.
Cause: Regulator not working
Solution: Usually Fet damaged.

Devices: TV
Brand: Polytron
Model: MX5203R
Symptoms: standby not want to star trus poer light flashes
Cause: B + voltage fluctuates
Solution: replace the diodes D505 & D507 at the B +
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Issue 23
Devices: TV
Brand: Panasonic
Model: TC-20S11J
Symptoms: only standby button on the tv remote did not work despite of permanent standby
Cause: AC220 voltage is unstable
Solution: replace TR D1275A DRIVER horizontal or C1573
Note: Check all the voltages of the regulator should be stable. if oper. tr is always off

Devices: TV
Brand: Panasonic
Model: ts14s100
Symptoms: sound-Klek Klek
Cause: r470k pair drop
Solution: TEG b 90 drop hihg-low search r 470knya replaced aja,, check the other 47/50v elco
Note: regular tv mdel gini common

Devices: TV
Brand: Panasonic
Model: 21 top dome
Symptoms: picture looks dim.
Cause: r broken
Solution: replace the 137k resistor with a value of 525 ohms, the resistor in the ABL from B +.

Devices: TV
Brand: Panasonic
Model: TC-21GX20J
Symptoms: totally dead
Cause: transient voltage
Solution: replace the transistor horizontal

Devices: TV
Brand: Panasonic
Model: 21 inch
Symptoms: totally dead
Cause: damage ic eeprom
Solution: replace ic eeprom

Devices: TV
Brand: Panasonic
Model: tc-20s11j
Symptoms: Tv can not be on and only the sound of ceklak-ceklik.
Cause: Diodes hand over to elco 100/160 volts in a state short.
Solution: Replace the diode with diode 3 Amper, select diode having breakdown voltage above 600 volts.
Note: Diodes are short cause can not terisinya elco 100/160 volts, so it can not be on tv.

Devices: TV
Brand: Panasonic
Symptoms: TV turn itself off about 1-2 minutes, the indicator light also die.
Cause: elko 100v10uf pda pwr suply dry, on its physical look is bloated.
Solution: I changed elko, the TV returns to normal.

Devices: TV
Brand: Panasonic
Cause: R SHORT
Solution: REPLACE R 525: 120K / 470K

Devices: TV
Brand: Panasonic
Model: alfa gold
Symptoms: often moving picture moving
Cause: tuner
Solution: Initially I did re-solder the tuner section remains the same tp continue sy try to replace the new tuner alhamdulillah jrengg pictures ok ...

Devices: TV
Brand: Panasonic
Model: tc 2088
Symptoms: There is sound no picture, after baeberapa hour on the picture will appear
Cause: There protectionism on video The set, which caused damage to the protectionism in the vertical block
Solution: Try replacing the vertical IC, if still protectionist Change elco transistor on the basis that if Karing proteknya 100/50V it will always protectionism in video sequences.
Note: the requirement on the regulator output voltage under normal circumstances.
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Issue 22
Devices: TV
Brand: LG
Model: LG RD-21FB70V
Symptoms: Standby Off
Cause: D23 SHORT
Solution: replace the D23 IN4148

Tools: Monitor
Brand: LG
Model: ld12345
Symptoms: sometimes start sometimes not
Cause: 5 volts output from the regulator drop
Solution: measure and replace elko 100uf/50v

Devices: TV
Brand: LG
Model: LG MC 994A
Symptoms: OFF STANDBY 2
Solution: Turn on the TV, CHECK WHETHER THERE Raster? IF DRY YOKE

Devices: TV
Brand: LG
Model: CA 14A65S
Solution: check the block vertical, vertical ic, if the blue screen check solder IC 1328 TB

Devices: TV
Brand: LG
Model: 14 Inc
Symptoms: TV off standby just normal life can start again
Cause: TEG high electrolyte condensator some not wrong
Solution: replace the electrolytes that damaged condensator

Tools: Monitor
Brand: LG
Model: T530 T710 T730
Symptom: Blinking (led kedip2) button on / off ga maen.
Cause: data eeprom ad that corupted.
Solution: replace and copy eeprom or try overwrhite first.

Tools: Monitor
Brand: LG
Model: T530 T710 T730
Symptoms: FBT dark work but no display, screen raised no ad changes
Cause: cap. filter screen. the block matrix
Solution: replace the cap. trsb or removable aj.

Tools: Monitor
Brand: LG
Model: T710 T730 Flatron
Symptoms: Raster not fully horizontal (right side / left irregular stripes)
Cause: colektor Hrz-capacitor between gnd fire.
Solution: replace the cap. 101/2kv

Tools: Monitor
Brand: LG
Model: T730 T710 Flatron
Symptoms: When the contras Britnes dimaximalkan, kedip2 screen.
Cause: SMPS ic resistor out in 3842 ..
Solution: replace the value above 200 ohm resistor

Devices: TV
Brand: LG
Model: LG 21fu1RL
Symptom: enlarged image to shrink as the light-dark image
Cause: near flyback capacitor 27 nano
Solution: replace with same value
Note: if there is no resale value capacitor replace with a rather large bit could be, or could be a little smaller

Devices: TV
Brand: LG
Model: 20a95
Symptoms: dead alive
Cause: over voltage power
Solution: santi all resistor power supply because nilanya delay all
Note: if you still blink switch elko main
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Issue 21
Devices: TV
Brand: Goldstar
Model: CA-14A62
Symptoms: horizontal line
Cause: Tr horizontal broken
Solution: replace with a new horizontal Tr

Devices: TV
Brand: Goldstar
Model: 14xxx
Symptoms: right and left less full picture
Cause: pin flyback voltage less bostup
Solution: elco 220/50v damaged near fb (pin boostup)

Devices: TV
Brand: Goldstar
Model: CA-14A62
Symptoms: Can not find broadcast
Cause: c if angus
Solution: replace the c if used 63pf trimmed slightly

Devices: TV
Brand: Goldstar
Model: 14xxx
Symptoms: right and left less full picture
Cause: pin flyback voltage less bostup
Solution: elco 220/50v damaged near fb (pin boostup)

Devices: TV
Brand: Goldstar
Model: max sound
Symptoms: color to black and white
Cause: lightning
Solution: njek taoh
Note: Soder smua circuit section

Devices: TV
Brand: Goldstar
Model: HCV-502M
Symptoms: Dead total
Cause: R 807 Scorched Regulator section of fire
Solution: Replace R807 with 5K6 value 2watt
Note: Actually his tv brand Nyundai, since in smoke, and rangkaianya like Goldstar / akari

Devices: TV
Brand: Goldstar
Model: 14-inch
Symptoms: TOTAL OFF

Devices: TV
Brand: Goldstar
Model: CA 14a64
Symptoms: Total death emerged sounds ngiuuuiik
Cause: Horizontal Tr broken
Solution: replace TR with a new horizontal
Note: after the replacement tr sure hetsink properly attached

Devices: TV
Brand: Goldstar
Model: CA 20 B 32
Symptoms: on for five minutes then return stanby
Cause: elco at the foot of one of the main transformer dry quasi horizontal oscillator
Solution: replace it with a new elko
Note: before performing further checks would be nice all the solder on the horizontal reorganized
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Issue 20
Devices: VCD
Brand: China Brand
Model: all models
Symptoms: all keypad not work, the remote control can only be
Cause: infra red led on the internal panel drop
Solution: to vcd, internal panel button turns out to be a remote control, too, so if the panel does not work, and the remote can still be used
Note: make sure switchnyamaka what if that switch is not broken, it can be sure that breaking infrared LED, usually located with the sensor receiver berdekan

Devices: TV
Brand: China Brand
Models: forget the model
Symptoms: tv will not start despite all the normal stress
Cause: kuwalitas flayback are down
Solution: flay back that as a producer of extra high voltage, so the effect was already declining when kuwalitas, aka do not want to spend a high voltage, jd if such reimbursement shall be done
Note: B + TEG usually reduced, but not konseleting, and FBT could only work if the no-load

Devices: TV
Brand: China Brand
Model: 14'' Lost its brand
Symptoms: The OSD does not appear
Cause: afc voltage drop
Solution: increased voltage
Note: Voltage Afc out FBT increased voltage drop! rev ridden by difbt connect to the same FBT out afc afc

Devices: TV
Brand: China Brand
Model: Multimax 14
Symptoms: Matot
Cause: Plyback leak
Solution: Instead of plyback 25-1003B patched mending Gati use 154-177B Rp 27,500 modip tokcer bit, satisfying.

Devices: DVD
Brand: China Brand
Model: EV-333 EDIKO
Symptoms: o ¬ Auda there but there is no picture vidio
Cause: Tr S8550 for vidio output shorting slong
Solution: Replace with new-S8550 tr sure jleng
Note: Related Searches otput Dvd that there is never an biasa.y vido.y trjdi krusakan Tr pda or IC

Devices: VCD
Brand: China Brand
Model: Not ADA
Symptom: No bisaRemote
Cause: The sensor receiver
Solution: Replace the Sensor

Devices: TV
Brand: China Brand
Model: Micom LC863532C
Symptoms: The red color in shadow
Cause: The settings in the R-DRV Sermod maximum due to memory corruption
Solution: Replace the memory IC then setting R-DRV to setandar,
Note: Code Vol srvice 0 Click 6568

Devices: Satellite
Brand: China Brand
Model: MT-88 Mitochiba
Symptoms: Request a password code
Cause: The menu is locked
Solution: Enter the unlock code 8888 Or 0000
Note: If the menu resiver tdak dpat d bka open kde with code 0000 is 8888 resiver

Devices: Satellite
Brand: China Brand
Model: Whole Model
Symptoms: Impressions tv pda resiver no
Cause: Frequesi has changed or resiever re ¬ pabrà program pda or deleted freq jga
Solution: Check the freq frequencies ap msh old or have the new ..
Note: For setting 2 LNB / 4 LNB notice setinganya
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Issue 19
Devices: TV
Brand: Toshiba
Model: 21V27DE
Symptoms: total dead
Cause: IC vertical broken / split
Solution: Replace the vertical ic

Devices: TV
Brand: Toshiba
Model: all models
Symptoms: just turned on tv picture fade / blawurjowo bbrapa account after normal hours
Cause: rust on crt focus
Solution: replace the connector pin to focus on clean crt tube crt

Devices: TV
Brand: Toshiba
Model: 21N3XE
Symptoms: Star start small voice, 5 mnit kemudia there and bumpy
Cause: C 308 (35/100) dried
Solution: remove and replace the C 308 (35/100)

Devices: TV
Brand: Toshiba
Model: 21V2VM
Symptoms: if the tv is turned on you hear a "ctas, ctas" like small firecrackers, and direct tv standby
Cause: I try to remove fbtnya, and tv in on it, and I press the + ch, aka normal standbyny lights lit up like a normal tv, tegny good, but if FBT in pairs so its voltage drop,
Solution: its central anode wires apparently leaked, and ic AN5221 SHORT
Note: FBT anode cable leak turned out to be in patches with iron glue (glue 2 tubes, black and white)

Devices: TV
Brand: Toshiba
Model: 21 inches bomba
Symptoms: gmbr normal.suara kddang there, kdang cut no.
Cause: cracked solder
Solution: re-solder solder that looks retea, trutama voting block

Devices: TV
Brand: Toshiba
Cause: Protek VCC VERTICAL Drof

Devices: TV
Brand: Toshiba
Model: 1450XNE
Symptom: Pump Up Regulator (No Load)
Cause: Pump Up Regulator (No Load)
Solution: Check D872 (Zener 16v) ​​on the Regulator.

Devices: TV
Brand: Toshiba
Model: tb1231 use
Symptoms: led blink blink
Cause: elko 25v1oouf create vcc voltage rectifier audio amp dah start soak
Solution: replace ya dong, elko elko tsb.arna also supply 5v tg

Devices: TV
Brand: Toshiba
Model: BOMBA
Solution: REPLACE IC S1854

Devices: TV
Brand: Toshiba
Solution: CHANGE C AFT T104 C56PF.VIF to3 12PF

Devices: TV
Brand: Toshiba
Model: 21lze28
Symptoms: button / switch front panel for channel and volume does not work, the remote does not work
Cause: frontpanel switches in the circuit, there is a 100nF ceramic capacitor (leaked) short to ground
Solution: Remove and Replace a 100nF ceramic capacitor with a new

Devices: TV
Brand: Toshiba
Model: 21 Inch
Symptoms: stand by
Cause: high voltage fuse 1.5 A drop
Solution: replace the fuse and that bloated elco

Devices: TV
Brand: Toshiba
Model: 29A3E
Symptoms: amid undulating image horizontally and there is a straight line in the horizontal
Cause: deflection coil / yoke short vertical section
Solution: replace the yoke horse's mouth.
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Issue 18
Devices: TV
Brand: Sony
Model: kv 2965
Symptom: No sound ringing off tv
Cause: tr hor out dead / short
Solution: replace c 47mF/50v & c10mF/100v in power diode suply.ganti R2KY, check tegngan B + 135v.ganti c1mF/250v in horizontal, tr hor out 4927. ready dionkan ..
Note: tr 4927 short caused b + voltage over

Devices: TV
Brand: Sony
Model: KV 614B1
Symptoms: Raster missing
Cause: Resistor dead
Solution: Change the value of the original 82K R857 near FBT
Note: This Tv Croma use IC TDA8366, STR S6707 and FBT 859-957-00

Devices: TV
Brand: Sony
Model: CXA croma
Symptoms: dark dim g crt sprt nrmal
Cause: abl g nrmal
Solution: co-abl pathways mnju k tr ad chroma paste biasax dead soth Gant / lpas j trx

Devices: TV
Brand: Sony
Model: kv G14P1
Symptoms: live tv, sound normal, normal OSD, no picture
Cause: ABL resistor open (dilate value)
Solution: replace the ABL resistor, R 319

Devices: TV
Brand: Sony
Model: KV21M9
Symptom: Picture megecil center of the screen
Cause: SMPS circuit problem
Solution: Replace IC STR
Note: be careful live chassis.

Devices: TV
Brand: Sony
Model: KP-FX43M61
Cause: since moved locations a TV, and a great shock, sometimes the memory image to reset
Solution: adjust the data OPM-COM in service mode

Devices: TV
Brand: Sony
Model: KV-HF21P50
Solution: REPLACE Q312 (2SA1162-G) AND D315 (ISS355)

Devices: TV
Brand: Sony
Model: KV-PG14
Symptoms: PROTECT blink 4X
Cause: vertical problem
Solution: the transistor chip breaking Q005

Devices: TV
Brand: Sony
Model: KV-M1420A
Symptoms: There is a picture but no sound
Cause: Damage to the sound amplifier
Solution: Replace IC201 TDA7345

Devices: TV
Brand: Sony
Model: kv-2965
Symptoms: images shrink and concave
Cause: ic damaged OW (TEA2031)
Solution: replace the IC OW and perform geometry image realignment.
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17th Edition
Devices: TV
Brand: Sharp
Model: Chassis UA-1
Symptoms: Raster dark, entered service mode ok, exit service mode dark again.
Cause: Data eprom change.
Solution: change the data service mode EVG from 1 to 0 and EHT from 1 to 0
Note: Model Chassis UA-1 universe and wonder

Devices: TV
Brand: Sharp
Model: 51X220 EXPRESSION
Cause: Unknown ill
Solution: REPLACE R limiters for 180V R621: 1 OHM

Devices: TV
Brand: Sharp
Model: C14JO
Cause: Unknown ill
Solution: REPLACE Q604 FOR FURTHER D ration 12Volt GET TO TUNER.

Devices: TV
Brand: Sharp
Model: Qbeit 11
Symptoms: There Raster broadcast in smoke
Cause: lightning hit
Solution: lightning hit damage after check everything turns his IC died after learning scheme
Note: for all of what two colleagues when stock runs out the use ic sharp 1XC 927WJZZQ IC IC CHANGE AJ wearing IXC 844WJZZ.selamat try

Devices: TV
Brand: Sharp
Model: piccolo
Symptoms: totally dead
Cause: The death total
Solution: First check for str replace regulator outputnya.terus setandar.jika voltage problem lamp flame stnby can not check ic program.
Note: if ic program (R2J1Q172GA-A00FP) do not try to use ic flame. {1X245 WJN] jadi.ta Thank God there is a problem.

Devices: TV
Brand: Sharp
Model: Alexander 21inch
Symptoms: Indicators sbntar truz flame die. . .
Cause: Protek Regulator
Solution: Replace fet SE 125

Devices: TV
Brand: Sharp
Model: X-pression 51X200
Symptoms: Normal Voice, Picture can not FOCUS
Causes: Leg focus on crt half short.
Solution: The image can not focus not from the flyback or the socket and glue gagal.plastik crt that was already cleared of foot crt, focus mainly on the feet.
Note: After being tested to other crt, good picture quality is perfect! Crt dng such cases the damage as if from its flyback fail. ooh .. sharp

Devices: TV
Brand: Sharp
Model: 51X200 Xpression
Symptoms: Image v hold / cliche
Cause: C 434 measured 3.3 uF 10/50V err
Solution: Replace with a good

Devices: TV
Brand: Sharp
Model: fdfde
Symptoms: totally dead
Cause: short horizontal transistors
Solution: Change Transistor
Links to this post
Issue 16
Devices: TV
Brand: Sanyo
Model: dyamic
Symptoms: life briefly and protectionism
Cause: his unusual happened so changes in the HFC horisontal.abl or heater that resulted in the protectionist
Solution: cut line by clicking protectionism is looking for a value r his 1k that kejalur protectionism of ic program tv Insa Allah normal

Devices: TV
Brand: Sanyo
Model: cg21fs2
Symptoms: normal images. lost voice
Cause: ic switching av 1116 N LV series is broken.
Solution: replace the normal LV 1116.
Note: AV out when plugged into the tv sound amplifier can walk.

Devices: TV
Brand: Sanyo
Model: CAP3002
Cause: DAMAGE TO SECTION R555 optocoupler 47KOHM
Solution: replace the 47k ohm r555

Devices: TV
Brand: Sanyo
Model: cgs21fs
Symptoms: protect
Cause: flayback bocot
Solution: replace flayback

Devices: TV
Brand: Sanyo
Model: 14 inch
Symptoms: dying with perforated horizontal transistor
Cause: breaking r47k part ic opto
Solution: replace r47k
Note: also check ic opto

Devices: TV
Brand: Sanyo
Model: model forget
Symptoms: tv when turned glowing red indicator blink blink wrote ter aka protectionism
Cause: apparently after dilhat ditelusurri kissed and touched only on the location of the damage to flyback terprotek
Solution: replace the flyback solosinya yes definitely jos

Devices: TV
Brand: Sanyo
Model: CG 21 XS 2
Symptoms: TV stand is locked in position by.kalau power in on.TV willing to live and die lagi.protec
Cause: eeprom if its OK, then the vertical IC OK.B + 5 volt OK.
Solution: J830 jemper off, or change it directly FBT.
Note: tgl.27 september 2010

Devices: TV
Brand: Sanyo
Model: Dinamic
Symptoms: Dead total
Cause: Power Transistor suply shot
Solution: Replace the transistor
Note: Change the type of bu. . .

Devices: TV
Brand: Sanyo
Model: N0 chassis AC6A1
Symptom: No sound volume max sdh, Nice pictures
Cause: IC 3701 LV1116 broken
Solution: Before replacing the ic try this alternative way, off his first ic, wash the feet of his lower leg ic wear cuter / fine sandpaper, then reinstall nya.kl ic voice ic still not out Change lv1116N,
Note: kl spertpat interchangeable hard in his search to SC, Bs jg look at his blog mas alextro service,

Devices: TV
Brand: Sanyo
Model: CG14SP1N
Symptoms: Dead total
Cause: TR Horz koslet (B & E)
Solution: replace TR Horz

Devices: TV
Brand: Sanyo
Model: FLAT SLIM CG21XS2 21
Symptoms: VOTE nonexistent

Devices: TV
Brand: Sanyo
Model: CG21XS2
Symptoms: always return to standby will continue when lit
Cause: flyback his tiny little problem .. internal capacitor capacity changes FBT
Solution: with a way to cut (break) .. J830 jumper that led pin 23 of IC LA76938 (pin is called: INT1/P.0) one pin to detect / control the horizontal section.
Links to this post
Issue 15
Devices: TV
Brand: Samsung
Model: CS-29M21MQUXXSE
Symptoms: Blanking
Cause: Micon on ngepong,
Solution: Solder again.!

Devices: TV
Brand: Samsung
Model: flat 17inci
Symptoms: horizontal off continues
Cause: yoke konslet
Solutions: email lifting ll wipe lg dg dg thiner glue alteco 1/1
Note: buy overpriced yoke again

Devices: VCD
Brand: Samsung
Model: Z10Q
Symptom: No picture
Cause: Video output from puts zic3
Solution: Merge / jumper pin 13 with pin 4 zic3
Note: Can jga len dpts and pindahkn pin 13 directly to pin 4 on zic3 (Winbond W99520P)

Devices: TV
Brand: Samsung
Model: 21 flat
Symptoms: The first normal picture, about two minutes blanking green,
Cause: RGB bag there is an abnormal voltage
Solution: tr bersihin RGB in, if there is to be replaced,,,,

Devices: TV
Brand: Samsung
Model: TDA 9381 series
Symptoms: thin raster image darker
Cause: capacitor abl colector tr haritdk work or SSR
Solution: replace with a new one according to the original value capacitor voltage in the semestina have 2 to 4.5 volts
Note: common on Samsung in the generation above and the Visian zoom silver color body

Devices: TV
Brand: Samsung
Model: Slim fit
Symptoms: SAMSUNG 21Z40 Dead Total
Cause: no voltage on Output Transformer Switching off the TV so that the total
Solution: for TV models is mostly the damage was caused by the rupture resistor between the AC voltage source with a diode rectifier to supply IC STR W6750.

Devices: TV
Brand: Samsung
Model: CB-3338Z
Symptoms: Dead, flyback sound.
Cause: faulty horizontal transistor (short col-emi)
Solution: replace the transistor hor D2125 with that original, do not replace with any trans hor as it might seem the picture slide to the left and did not last long.

Devices: TV
Brand: Samsung
Model: Flat_
Symptoms: Channel Move-move themselves
Cause: zener diode on pin Shortnya key input
Solution: replace the value of the zener diode 3.6 V
Note: 14-inch Samsung flat, single chip TDA 9381 PS


By Unknown | At 7:43 AM | Label : | 0 Comments
Here is the serial number of the software that I've been looking for 7 days and 7 nights hopefully useful for teman2 that trouble to find the serial number of a program may be useful. wasalam
-3D Studio Max 4 :::: Number: 226-19791979 / CD Key: XLSQBQ
-Adobe GoLive 4 :::: GJW400R2100006-625
-Adobe InDesign-337 IPE123R12345678 ::::
Adobe PageMaker 6.5-BR :::: 03-5004-201500745
-Adobe PageMaker 7.0 1039-1121-2998-7586-7388-7545 ::::
-Adobe Premiere 6.0 :::: MBF500B7205104-998
-Adobe Premiere 7.0 PRO 1132-1381-7346-2847-2617-6783 ::::
-Aldus Photo Styler 2.0 :::: 15-1001-000000001
-Adobe Framemaker 7.0 :::: 1030-1208-8265-3458-9287-7077
-Adobe Premiere 6.0 :::: MBF500B7205104-998
-Adobe Premiere 6.5 :::: MBE600R7100024-900-960
-Adobe Premiere Pro v7.0 :::: 1132-1381-7346-2847-2617-6783
-After Effects 5.5-:::: EWW470R1001999 030-259
-Aplicativos Comerciais :::: 2003 0947201
-Architectural Desktop 3.3 SERIAL :::: 400-12345678 / CD KEY: T4ED6P
-AutoCad 14 :::: 117-99703105 / W36H / C3DF32EA
-AutoCad 2002 SERIAL :::: 400-12345678 / CD KEY: T4ED6P
-Cakewalk Home Studio 2004 :::: CWHS2.20-003 021
-Cakewalk Home Studio 2002 XL 2002 XL :::: CWHX1.02-002 397
-Cakewalk Pyro 2003 :::: CWPY200333333 / MP3: 95F5AGFD
CorelDraw 8 ::::-DR-8XR-23969F-63
-CorelDraw 11 :::: DR11CRD-0012082-DGW
-CorelDraw 12 :::: DR12WEX - 1504397 - Kty
-Curso - Flash 4 :::: 540234330/55623255258/5279103
-Delta Translator :::: DTR2-29108-84895-00412-18
Dicionário Michaelis-BR v.5.0 CD6BL9805083 ::::
-Easy CD Creator 5.2 :::: G332NB-MGJNH-ZFVPB
-Easy CD Creator 5 :::: P-7TGQ4-G06CM-N5G1L
-Easy CD Creator 6 :::: BD-JWZS4-QX3MR-0241L
-Easy Media Creator 7.0 serial :::: YN-Y7WVY-CQXG6-K3KWZ
-Enciclopédia de Tomografia Comp. LEE :::: RUSR23351
Empresario 3-series :::: e3co-1-co-065-00-00-m1oe111
-English Teacher 03231183 ::::
-Exchange 2000 Server :::: KRJQ8-rq822-YRMXF-6TTXC-HD2VM
Globalink Power Translator 6.4-:::: PT6PU7-6.41-698-0474
-Guia do Sexo 3746 ::::
Houaiss ::::-DHS-21771533
-Inventor 4 :::: 202-12345678 / CD KEY: G4ED6P
-James Bond 007: NightFire 1740-9488245-5171152-5578 ::::
Jurissíntese Millenium-JS164-29 ::::
-Kylix 3.0 :::: 6AKT-TE29VM-7GZV6D-28? Y / Aut. Key: GFW-? RW
Macromedia Studio MX-:::: WSW600-59791-91721-99978
-Make Money 2.0 :::: PRF 0200153
::::-Mechanical Desktop 6.0 400-19791979 / CD-Key: TLSQBS
-Norton System Works 2005 :::: BBCQ-9BCY-PKCX-GJPD-GYTK-HKGJ
-Norton Inter Security 2005 :::: BBCY-PK26-GKCP-7BCM-VY22-3VMF
-Office 2000 :::: GC6J3-GTQ62-FP876-94FBR-D3DX8
-Office 2003 :::: GWH28-DGCMP-P6RC4-6J4MT-3HFDY
Ominipage 11 :::: 2889A-L00 500 020
-Page Maker 7.0 :::: 1039-1121-2998-7586-7388-7545
-Photoshop 5.5 BR-110 :::: PWB550E7100088
-Photoshop 6.0 BR-948 PWW600R7105467 ::::
-Photoshop 7.0 1045-1209-6738-4668-7696-2783 ::::
-Photoshop 8 CS-:::: EWW470R1001999 030-259
-Photoshop Elements 1057-4422-1198-0751-6983-5530 ::::
-Plus Windows :::: 95 411-1410 701
Project98-BR :::: 1112-1111111
Project Server 2003-BR-XQXJF :::: WFDWY-RHRYG-BG7RQ-BBDHM
QuarkXPress 5.0 39173027QHSKKJF3199PYJX2-::::
RoboHelp Enterprise 2002-REF22-C3E40SHK ::::
-Seagate Crystal Reports 8.5 :::: A6A50-8900008-ZE1007S
-Seagete Crystal Reports 9.2 :::: AVS50-81SG00S-G61002U
SIC 3:02 :::: Serial-12D2-2501-8410-32X0-6752 / Série: 060 086
Sound Forge 5-3B-9FWG9Z ::::-T60ZYS-0QZY0D
Vídeo-Studio 8.0 Ulead 81102-86000-13994421 ::::
-Via Voice :::: RPB000049301
-Visual Kit 5-789 V.6.0 :::: W60.000.001.425
-Visual Kit 5 v.7.0 2003 :::: U5R.IGR.567.J9L.I6K.133.9C9
-Visual SouceSafe 6.0 :::: 885-2814463
-Visual Studio 6.0 :::: 111-11111
-Visual :::: D64GG-GXY6T-V6FTR-WCPBB-2YDYB2
-Win DVD 2000 :::: GMR22WGYXPUB8LH
-Winace ACEQ79TFDSWXC3H4R64 ::::
-Windows 95 :::: 28 595-OEM-0005727-80940
-Windows 98 :::: KGGJF-Q3HCX-88JJV-DM3KH-VY6VQ
-Windows 98SE :::: XJ3XX-YR4CJ-TQD6J-76QJR-GJMJB
-Windows 2000 Server BR :::: M2GHT-V6YK6-P6Q9D-PRCXF-FCWXT
-Windows 2003-BR :::: JB88F WT2Q3-DPXTT-Y8GHG-7YYQY
-Windows 2003 Server :::: QW32K-48T2T-3D2PJ-DXBWY-C6WRJ
-Windows ME :::: Q7JRD-HH6DG-RD4BK-H93DF-DQ4FG
-Windows ME Completo :::: B6BYC-6T7C3-4PXRW-2XKWB-GYV33
-Windows NT 4.0 :::: 419-0949015
-Windows XP Corporate :::: FCKGW-RHQQ2-YXRKT-8TG6W-2B7Q8
-Windows XP Home BR :::: K8GMG-PRV3M-VG2JH-DJJ48-RY7FV
Windows XP Professional-BR :::: C/SP2 BX6HT-MDJKW-H2J4X-BX67W-TVVFG
-Windows XP Professional - Inglês :::: FCKGW-RHQQ2-YXRKT-8TG6W-2B7Q8
-Windows XP-BR :::: JB88F WT2Q3-DPXTT-Y8GHG-7YYQY
-Windows XP Server :::: BJXGH-4TG7P-F9PRP-K6FJD-JQMPM
-Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Corporate Edition :::: JB88F-WT2Q3-DPXTT-Y8GHG-7YYQY
-Windows 2003 Standard Server :::: M6RJ9-TBJH3-9DDXM-4VX9Q-K8M8M
-Windows 2003 Web Server :::: d42x8-7mwxd-m4b76-mkyp7-cw9fd
-Windows 2003 Server Corporate 3 in 1 :::: JB88F-WT2Q3-DPXTT-Y8GHG-7YYQY
-Windows 2003 Server / Enterprise / MSDN :::: QW32K-48T2T-3D2PJ-DXBWY-C6WRJ

Jogos :::: Seriais

Night Fire -007 :::: 1740-9488245-5171152-5578
-Age of Mythology :::: Preencher com tudo "1"
-Age of Mythology BR :::: P3HM4-WDM27-662XW-9BPTV-CFVMQ
Aquanox ::::-6874-78AB-891E-2656
-Battlefield 1942 :::: 5000-0000000-0000000-1318 0901-2113787-5776636-3338 ou
-Battlefield 1942 Secret Weapons :::: 2GYY-3WLK-8BTF-WJUR-G277V
-Comanche 4 :::: 3S2D-FLT1-RULE-7865-CLS2
-Command & Conquer - Red Alert 2 :::: 024299-232781-738983-6372
-Command & Conquer - Renegade 056894-929488-118387-9679 ::::
-Delta Force 3 N5E3-YXH2 ::::-G983-9WYB-B3ZS
-Delta Force 4 :::: 72YL-R4SB-GKG6-3WKS-HQ27
-Delta Force 5 :::: QF7S-HZMK-XLXP-CUJN-HDTZ
-Diablo II :::: 2CPR6W7RKXT2V29V
-Diablo II Expansão :::: RN7FHTDF49JREB2W ou FX7D82THFPWB2BR2
-Empire Earth - Expansão :::: GER2-man2-RAP2-PER5 2252
2001 :::: 1111-1111111-1111111-1111-F1
2002 :::: 7931-9865028-6024865-1156-F1
-Fifa 2003 :::: 6Z4J-ZTXA-9D7U-43ZQ
Fifa 2004 ::::-7U44-FACX-443H-ANE4-LDEV
-Flight Simulator 2002 - Airport :::: A221-A24AABAA-FDBA5DD9
-Freedom Fighters l :::: PQGY-4FAQ-TMQ5-Q4X8-KXCS
-Freedom Force 1439-8808778-3837107-2854 ::::
Half-Life 3 - Counter Strike 2191-63057-4364 ::::
Half-Life 5 - Blue Shift :::: 2147-48362-1470 ou 1073-74181-0735
-Half.Life.Including.Condition.Zero :::: 5RP2E-EPH3K-BR3LG-KMGTE-FN8PY
Hidden & Dangerous 2-1234-5678-::::-DDDF 9ABC
-IGI 2 - Covert Strike :::: 031F-F8D0-6536-B510
-Lord of the Rings: War of the Ring :::: XUF5-JUB2-JAB8-JUD3 4947
Madden NFL 2003 ::::-1911-1911-1911-A7NC
-Madden NFL 2004 :::: CFGG-XBY9-83HB-QMKQ-6E8X
-Medal of Honor :::: 5000-0000000-0000000-5068
-Medal of Honor - Breaktrong :::: 8QDM-RF7F-RHA4-Z6CG-8KSR
-Nascar 2002 :::: RAF2-RAL2-RAS2-RAX2-6667
-Nascar 2003 :::: NASC-ARTH-unde-RJAM
-Nascar Thunder 2004 :::: CLZH-PE48-R9RR-G9ZT-9DSW
-NBA Live 2001 :::: 1500-0873189-2554014-0541
-NBA Live 2003 :::: B7SN-KQF8-UKS8-3H7W
-Need For Speed ​​6 :::: 8249-7EE3-84EW-TXGT
-Need For Speed ​​7 Underground :::: U5LU-HMPT-FBJS-2CQG-WDEV
-Never Winter Night :::: 6K7P6-XLKK3-TWKHY-X9PXM-UL4RJ-CPYYF-9MG6L
-NFL 2004 :::: FF0M-0266-6666-M666-6666
2002 :::: 1000-2003004-0000000-4904-NHL
-NHL 2003 :::: VBD5-34BJ-Q103-K52Y MQSA-ou-3BLE XY1H-FAM7
-NHL 2004 :::: 6T22-8L62-6666-8666-6666
Outlive ::::-C9523C-1A4466-237CB8-DC7E67
-Quake III Arena :::: THWT37AB3P7JBTPC
-Return to Castle Wolfenstein CLAL-A7WJ ::::-DTSJ-WARP-88
-Rise of Nations :::: RXVC3-B3347-DVG9X-FTFQF-9M7XT
Sim City 4 Serial-:::: NCM4-RHYX-6QMX-DX4M
:::: 5000-0000000-0000000-5071-Sim Golf
-Soldiers of Fortune 2 :::: 3Z4J-J3PP-K848-EWPK-1F
-Star Craft 2 :::: 4835-08309-0407 ou 2150-84228-3512
-The Sims :::: 1016-9903-290-4252696-1150
-The Sims II :::: THA2-Z3FK-OR1A-3HZ4-2WUS
-The Sims: Gozando a Vida :::: 8663-4966-712-3945768-1934
-The Sims: fazendo a Festa :::: 5500-2736-926-1022586-2919
-The Sims: Encontro Marcado 1501-7709-210-3634998-1949 ::::
-The Sims: Em Férias 1500-98740090-9738-046601 ::::
-The Sims: O Bicho Vai pheasant :::: 9932-1129289-4998838-6403
-The Sims: SuperStars :::: 1500-1762775-7663263-1513
-The Sims: Num Passe de Mágica :::: VSHR-ZLGZ-HXWP-EBVZ-KDEV
-Thone Darkness :::: RAC2-RAD2-RAC2-RAC2-3387
-Tony Hawk's Pro 4 :::: P4EPBTIQDAIH7WXM
-Total Club Manager 2003 :::: 1500-1270979-1106065-7818
-Unreal Tournament 2003 :::: LYR22-RZ743-A9D7T-CNNEN
-Vampire :::: RAC2-SAL2 GAT3-RAD3-6545

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Tv Online

By Unknown | At 9:43 AM | Label : | 0 Comments

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Application Secrets in Windows XP

By Unknown | At 8:11 AM | Label : | 1 Comments

there are some secrets that are hidden inside the application window XP and sometimes we do not know ... The following list is a list apliaksi secret:

To run the applications below:
Open a command prompt and Type the name of the program (eg cleanmgr.exe) or click Start -> Run and Type the name of the program (eg cleanmgr.exe.)
1. Disk Cleanup = cleanmgr.exe
Used for disk cleanup
2. Character Map = charmap.exe
Used to look for unusual characters
3. Dr Watson = drwtsn32.exe
Used for troubleshooting on the PC.
4. DirectX diagnosis = dxdiag.exe
Used for diagnosis audio video card
5. Private character editor = eudcedit.exe
Used to create a new character in your windows
6. IExpress Wizard = iexpress.exe
Used to create a self-extracting / self-installing package. such as Zip file
7. micr * soft Synchronization Manager = mobsync.exe
Used to make sincronisasi.
8. Clipboard Viewer = clipbrd.exe
Used to view the contents of the Windows clipboard
9. Windows Media Player 5.1 = mplay32.exe
Used to open Windows Media Player version 5.1
10. ODBC Data Source Administrator = odbcad32.exe
Used for database
11. Object Packager = packager.exe
Used to insert objects into the file.
12. System Configuration Editor = sysedit.exe
Used to change the system.ini and win.ini
13. Syskey = syskey.exe
Used to configure an account in windows.
14. micr * soft Telnet Client = telnet.exe
Used to connect to the Internet before there was a browser.
15. Driver Verifier Manager = verifier.exe
Used for monitoring drivers in your windows
16. Windows for Workgroups Chat = winchat.exe
Used to chat sec
17. System configuration = msconfig.exe
Used to control startup programs
18. System Monitor = perfmon.exe
Used to monitor your PC.
19. Program Manager = progman.exe
Is inherited from Windows 3.x desktop shell
20. gpedit.msc
Used to manage group policy and authorization, if you are using Active Directory.
21. Remote Access phone book = rasphone.exe
An application such as a phone book
22. Registry Editor = regedt32.exe [also regedit.exe]
Used for tweaking and editing windows registry
23. Network shared folder wizard = shrpubw.exe
Used to create a shared folder on the network
24. Siganture file verification tool = sigverif.exe
Used to verify signatures
25. Volume Control = sndvol32.exe

tv broken

By Unknown | At 8:07 AM | Label : | 0 Comments
Tv  broken into. (Sec. 13)
Pictures of thin, PIF dganti remains: Checks Z201 (CF5, 5MHz).
* Test: Touch Base Q202, Nice pictures.
2. SHARP-51R200
Start to live and die, so Led Red: Check R502 For Supply Vertical.
2. FUJI ELECTRIC 29 "(TA8659)
Matrix Red color do not come out garbled (IC, Vcc ok): Check R729 (8k2) at Pin 2.
3. Sukira-CE1493
Standby B + ok, distart drop: Check D606.
4. TOSHIBA-2545DE (TA8808)
Regulators & Relay is not stable (Pump Up): Check Hor.Osc Out, Replace Crystal with 500F2 503F30 usual.
Pictures sometimes color, sometimes not: Open R73 in Q07 Base.
Pump Up & Regulators can not Adjust: Check Pin 3-14 TDA8380 (+ / - 10k), if
Too low / Short compensation.
7. DIGITEC-DM143031
V.Hold not function (IC, Vcc ok): Check C302, 303 (47u25v NP) in line CVBS / AV.
Can not AV, Logic Control & 4053 ok: Check Pin 42 LA76810.
9. DIGITEC-DM143030
Blanking: Check T712 (BC547) on track H.Sync.
10. DIGITEC-DM143031
Over to 250V B +: Check R510 (1k) on the Regulator.
Kerusakan2 Tv. (Sec. 12)
Tuning slide & Blanking, OSD ok: Checks Tuner (Digital 5v) damaged one.
2. FUJI ELECTRIC 21 "(TA7680)
Tuning slide, the search does not stop: Check Capacitor on PIF (68pf).
3. Dazz-145 038
Blanking & no black garis2, Sound ok No OSD: Check Elco Filter 180v.
4. -THOMSON TS4225
Deflection (Vertical) Protect installed, removed ok: Checks two series resistors (1.5 Mega) eastbound Toll Vertical.
5. POLYTRON (Reguator TDA8380)
Pump Up + B: Raise Filter Regulator 15V in Bag.Primer so 2200u
Regulators silent even without load: Check Capacitor on Power Base (15N).
7. JVC-AV.G201
Figure Hor. Drag & belang2 Black / White 10cm: Check C550 (100u16v) at Input 7805.
Led Distart flame and die (Not Standby): Check Pin 9 S6707, when Pump Up Check FR813 (1ohm), ZD803 (9V1).
9. MITSUNO (LA7688)
Start Sometimes, sometimes Standby: Replace the Eprom should 93LC56, 93C56 if you can not.
Regulator off: Check Q801 (C5253/C4804), Q805 (A1512/A733).
Kerusakan2 Tv. (Sec. 11)
1. SHARP-20U200
Grodok2 sound, picture ok: Sound System locked at D / K and can not be replaced, Replace & Adjust Eprom 24C08.
Start Green Led live and die so do not blink red (Hor.Osc ok): Checks Transformer Driver Hor.
Manual Tune does not stop: Replace transformer with E08L AFT.
4. SABA-MF5222
Blanking, Sound ok: Check AV Switch TEA2014
* Test: Jumper pin Socket Module 10-13 in AV
5. TOSHIBA-20N3XE (Bomba)
No Colour, Picture ok: Replace IC TB1231.
6. Sukira-CE1493
Vertical opening 8cm Just dtengah2: Check Voltage Pin 42 (TDA8361) of 33V.
7. GRUNDIG T22-3229
Panel does not function, OSD ok: Change R140 (820k) concentrated in 470K on Base TR107.
8. POLYTRON (AN5435-TDA3565)
Vertical can not be silent, not V.High Adjust Maximum: AN5435 & Replace R127 (13k)
9. SABA-MT5253
Protect, dstart live and die (9v ok): Checks Vertical IC TDA1771
* Test: Open Pin 9, Start ok.
10. TOSHIBA-1450XNE (Dramatic Vision)
Regulator Pump Up (No Load): Check D872 (Zener 16v) ​​on Regulator.
Kerusakan2 Tv. (Sec. 10)
1. SANYO-CG20SR1G (Galaxy)
Blanking: Check Eprom (A81DC-P307), Replace with 24C08 okay.
Phase Hor. slide to right 15cm: Check Transformer Driver Hor.
3. SABA-MF5222
Tuning slide (stay tuned VIF): Replace LA7550 with LA7555 ok.
4. SONY-KV.G14B1
Protect, distart live and die: Check C623 (220u50v).
5. SOLITRON (Program CTV222S-PRC1.1)
Can flame, all the Panel does not function: Check Voltage Reset pin 33 (5v).
Tuning slide: Check & Replace with E08L (Capacitor 68pf)
Adjust AGC (in Menu Service): 15.
7. AIWA-C143/203
Picture Red: Replace Eprom & Adjust RGB (White Balance).
a. No Colour, if there is a color IC Delay puanas: Relpace MC144111
Test: Open Pin 4 = must be color
b. Preset panel does not function: Open Pin 6 ...
a. Blanking: Check T202, T205, T305
b. Bright, Contrass mblobor: Check T808
c. Channel Frequency until the middle of nothing: Check C102 (22N)
10. SONY-KV1430E
Vertical defects (Middle picture there is a white line 2cm): Check C854 (220u25v) Filter 12v
Kerusakan2 Tv. (Sec. 9)
Seolah2 Tuning slide, VIF 0k, there continues to be tension in BI: Check TR Band Switch T708 (BC548).
a. Auto Program is written directly UHF and AV1, AV2: 93C46 Eprom Replace original reply.
b. AV No, there are 15 TDA8361 Pin 8v, 3.5 v sharusnya: Replace TDA8361.
3. DIGITEC-DM172020
B + over and could not Adjust: Check TR Driver Regulator (C3807).
4. SHARP-14S20B/14R/B
No OSD, Picture slide to right 10cm: Check path AFC Pin 5 FBT.
5. DIGITEC-DM1452GB (Super Ninja)
Colors sometimes there, sometimes not: Replace Elco Filter B + (4.7 u160v).
* NB: Test, Try Parallel R R513 10k on pin 21 TA8690.
Picture opening dtengah 5cm, IC Vertical ok: Replace Elco 1000u35v Verticcal out.
7. Aetna-C1420
a. Vertical upper stretch, under less than 4cm (lain2 ok): Replace Eprom 24C04.
b. Auto Tuning ok, Figure ugly snoring sounds (Vcc ok): Checks SAW Filter.
Y (Luminance) No, Chroma (color image is ok): Checks Diode series TR Video Out Pin 24 LA7680.
9. SHARP-20A2-S
Picture Blooming (Mblobor), Colour ok: Recheck Service Parameter Adjustment.
Tuning slide (IC, IF, Tuner, Vcc ok): Check C1131 (0.33 u50v), C1132 (0.47 u50v) in a series of VT
Kerusakan2 Tv. (Sec. 8)
No Sound (Audio IC, LA7555 ok): Checks L201 (SIF 6.0 Mhz) Capacitor damaged (82pf).
No Colour, Fine Tuning in there: Checks Trans Delay amplifier (C1685), Nb; Not Delay Line.
3. AKARI-IC14M88R (Sakura)
Pump Up Regulator (Without Load), kadang2 Standby: 6V2 Zener Check in VR Leaky B +.
Bright, Contrass, Colour is not the function (OSD ok): Checks R ABL (36K).
Auto Search is ok, not the color Picture, Sound snoring: Check & Adjust Module L671 in SIF.
Picture ok, no brhenti Manual Tuning, VIF dganti remains: Replace LA7555.
Nb: Eprom 93C46N, If you can not wear 93C46P Memory.
7. Yoriko-YK2103ET
Vertical megap2, Vcc ok: Check Input 7812 (Not to be in less than 15V).
8. FUJI ELECTRIC 25 "(Video Master Stereo)
Picture No Syncron: Jumper Pin 1-3 at CN203 (teletex) with R 100ohm.
9. SABA-MF3702
No Colour, Picture ok: Check the LC 02 (Pin 36 M52038), Capacitor 47pf.
Seolah2 Tuning slide / No Syncron, Sound ok: Check R125 (3k3), Replace with 1K2.
Kerusakan2 Tv. (Sec. 7)
Regulator silence: Checks + Transistor Optocoupler.
2. POLYTRON-PN20123K (Stereo)
Protect, at the start of life and death (Vcc 0ke): Replace IC 4558 near the vertical amplifier.
3. JOHNSONS (FY 7698)
Chroma, color mblobor: Check Elco1u50v at Pin 6.
4. POLYTRON-GM1490 (TDA2579)
Phase Hor. Slide (no black line) almost to the middle: Check R449 (68k) to Pin 12.
Regulator silent: Check ZD812 (18V), C815 (100u25v), C820 (1u100v).
Power On, Relay On (supposedly silent Standby): Check C120 (22u50v) at Base TR113.
7. SAMSUNG-CB3366Z (Bio)
a. SMR 40 000 damaged, replaced broken again: Replace the first module drivers (HIS 0169).
b. Auto Program could Memory, Adjust V, H, RGB is not: Replace Eprom 24C04.
8. Dazz-DZ2570A
Not Start: Check Hor.Vcc, must be 8volt.
No OSD, Panel Normal function: Replace IC Program (M34300M4-230SP).
Led Channel flame all, not Preset function: Ceeek R18 (10k) at Pin 19 (UPC 1363).
Kerusakan2 Tv. (Sec. 6)
1. FUJI ELECTRIC (TA8659, TA8403)
B + up to 300V; Check Elco10u STR58041 160v at pin 1.
Matrix chaotic (Can not PAL); Check R523 (10k) Disconnect!
3. SHARP-C1424AU
a. Increased to 250V B + (R, Elco, Diode, TR, Vcc okay); Replace STR41090
b. Regulators silent; Check TR3279, D706, R705, 6.7
4. PANASONIC-TC2088DX (Stereo)
Picture ok, Contrass not function, sometimes Veretical (line); Cheque R ABL (37K).
Can not start, Vcc okay (Osciator Hor. No.); Repace TDA8841.
6. SONY-KV G14P1 (AV Remote)
Dark screen, OSD there; Check ABL, R857 (82K)
7. SONY-KV1415GE
At the start TR Hor. Puanas; Check Hor.Osc Pin 27 and Replace CXA1213BS.
a. No OSD (Vcc, Crystal okay); Replace M37220M3-150SP.
b. OSD only Red colored; Replace TA8759BN.
c. Blanking; Check D302 Zener 12v (Chroma Vcc).
a. Tuning slide, VIF okay; Replace TDA 8222.
b. No Sound, Audio IC okay; Replace & Adjust SIF (102).
Blanking, RGB Vcc okay; Replace TA8690.
Kerusakan2 Tv. (Sec. 5)
1. Chancellor P191
No OSD (No Can Program); Check D102 (4148) near the IC Program.
Vertical defects (garis2 black in the middle); Check C406 (220N) R416 series.
3. GRUNDIG p37-832
a. Picture a little Blanking, no sound Criiit; Check C803 (220u 25v), C806 (220u 50V).
b. Image edge runcing2; Check C925 (470u 25v) 12v Vcc filter.
4. SANYO C14C11U (14U)
Standby (can not start); Check R555 (47k).
5. PHILLIPS-14GR1024
a. Over Voltage Protect; Open D6638 and adjust VR, B + must be 97 volts.
b. Blanking Sound okay; Check & Replace TDA3653B
6. INTEL-IC2053RM/1461NW
a. No OSD; Open Zener on Vertical Socket.
b. VIF in tuning has not changed; Replace LA7555.
7. PHILLIPS-C14PT138J (Tvku dewe ...!)
Standby at the start protected; Check & Replace Vertical IC TDA3653B.
8. INTEL-IC1429N
Figure shrink both sides 3cm; Check C707 (100u 50V), D703 (1N5392).
a. Blanking & Protect; Replace AN5600.
b. No Sound; Check Q1112, 1113 (N4212) Replace with C114.
10. TOSHIBA-2840XH
Vertical defects (R, C, Elco, okay smua IC), check out Vertical Feedback drives = 3-4Volt.
Kerusakan2 Tv. (Sec. 4)
Matrix (Color) chaotic, IC Video M51393 okay; Check R235 (8k2) broke!
2. NATIONAL (AN 5601)
At the start of life and die (Protect), Vcc okay; Check Q504 (Base must be 0 Volt)!
3. METZ 7401/3
Relay bissa on, B + no; Check R808 (2.2 Ohm ½ Watt), R821 (56 Ohm ¼ Watt)
4. LENS (KA2154, SMM105, KA2919)
Tuning okay, not memory; Check RR151 (150k) from AFT Tuner Pin 35 UCOM!
At the start Protect; Check TR Hor. Driver (C2482)?
6. SABA MF5222
a. Contrass not function, Voltage Swing okay; Check RL05 (100k) Pin 3-4 FBT!
b. Vertical defects above; Check CL15 (220u 16v).
c. Vertical mebuka 1cm below; Check CF06 (470n).
7. SABA MS3705
a. No OSD; Check R 68k in base amplifier RGB (Must be 4.8 volts)!
b. Blanking (No Snow); Cheque TR Video TV05 (BC558)?
No sound, Voltage swing right; Replace TDA1013.
9. JVC C147LNS
Protect; Check M52016 and deflection.
10. DETRON / ETRON P1401
No Hor. Oscillator, Vcc okay; Replace TA 7698.
Kerusakan2 Tv. (Sec. 3)
1. OKAY 3732
Tv live, - / + 5 minutes off (Standby), Eeprom MN12C01 okay; Cheque Toll pathway
Validate (Ceramic 22N) leaked!
2. INDOTEC 2107
Vertical upper disability; Check R304 (56k) stretch!
3. AKAI CT14W9
a. Vertical does not open, AN5534 cold; Vertical Deflection part broke!
b. No snow, no OSD; 5v drop (5V1 Zener leak)!
Vertical defects, the top is white garis2; Replace LA7837!
5. Aetna C1420
a. Can not Standby (immediate start); Replace TMP87CK38N!
b. Blanking (Vcc okay); Replace TB1238AN!
c. Tuning slide, the sound of snoring (VIF does not function); Replace SAW Filter!
6. KONKA 1418C3
Pump up B +; Check Optic Coupler (PC817)!
7. RCA E14500 (SABA MT 3751)
a. B + Okay, Led Blink; Replace STV 2118!
b. No Sound Picture oke (Vcc TDA7253, Voltage Swing okay); Replace STV8224A!
c. Vertical up less 3cm; Adjust B +, must be 100V!
Standby can not start; Cheque Crystal IC Program!
9. CROWN T128
At the start snoring sound, either the account after 3 minutes (PIF okay); Replace Transformer SIF!
10. SEMRO TD1538
+ B can not be adjusted; Check R808 (10k) at the Regulator
Kerusakan2 Tv. (Sec. 2)
Stand By at the start protect LED flashing: Check Zener 6v8 in the bag. PSU.
If at the start led to death: Check SE110.
Manual tuning does not stop: Replace UCOM GS8334-02B.
Blanking: Cheque supply 5v (7805).
Blanking (Vcc ok): Replace IC Chroma M52309SP.
Tuning no channel (33V, VT okay): Checks 12v supply.
Vertical Line: Checks 12v supply.
7. SONY-KV1415GE
Tuning can not save channel: Replace UCOM M34302M8-712SP.
Position AV voice channel remains: Check Q1006 to pin 12 IC 4053.
Tuning can be stopped, but the channel is not trsimpan: Memory Check-30V supply.
Sometimes it can start, sometimes die: Check 15V, C853 (4.7 u 50V NP).
Damage Tv. (Sec. 1)
1. DIGITEC DM-172 020
OSD not out: check T701, T712 (BC547).
BI-BIII okay, BU no: checks Band Switch LA7910.
2. DIGITEC DM-14 401
Tr.Hor dpasang B + drop: check C516 (1u50v).
3. DIGITEC-DM142014
Bright, Contrass not function: Checks T303 (BC557).
Horizontal not Syncron: Check T301 (BC548).
Contrass not function: open pin 25 TDA8361, TDA8361 Replace if ok.
Blue screen, No OSD: Replace TDA8361.
No OSD: open R723, D732.
7. AKARI-IC1439 R2N
No raster (Vcc ok): Check R411.
B + drop, Heater no, Sound ok: Check C561, R443.
Color kadang2 missing: Check & Replace Ceramic pin 11 TDA8690.
No sound, no manual tuning stops: Check QO6 (C3198).


By Unknown | At 7:48 AM | Label : | 0 Comments
The first time we turn on the computer (start up) will display the distinctive sound of windows .. and when we shut down the computer (shut down) also raises voice.
over time we will feel bored because it's his voice you saja.pernahkah thinking of replacing it with a piece of sound anda.Atau favorite songs you can also include your own voice as the sound that came out during the startup process windows.
how easy kok.pada this post I will try to share tips for replacing sound appear at windows startup.
All you have to prepare is a piece of a song or any sound you sukai.untuk song you should cut first so that is not too long and takes a lot of waktu.Kan not funny if we put 1 song full on windows startup.kita have to wait out the song new windows startup is complete.
But remember the song or sound format that we can use to be with the format. Wav to mp3 song should be in the convert (changed) used to format wav.anda can find the software on the search engines do not want to bother google.kalo can search in google search box provided at the top of the blog ini.noh ...
ok back kepermasalahan earlier, after you prepare a song or sound that will dipakai.untuk windows XP open the control panel sounds and audio devices.lalu select the sounds, in the event program column, find the start windows (windows first turned on) and exit windows (when windows shut.) to replace the voice click browse and select the last option .. enter the track you want to change and click ok.dan restart the computer see the results ...
you can also be creative with other sounds .. for example when we open and close the program (application) we can add a certain sound just choose close program (closing the application) and open courses (open application)., and many more
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